Monday 19 November 2012

Early season ice on Yatsugatake (八ヶ岳)

"It is not the way of the Wild to like movement.  Life is an offence to it, for life is movement; and the Wild aims always to destroy movement.  It freezes the water to prevent it running to the sea; it drives the sap out of the trees til they are frozen to their mighty hearts; and most ferociously and terribly of all does the Wild harry and crush into submission man - man who is the most restless of life, ever in revolt against the dictum that all movement must in the end come to the cessation of movement."
(Jack London)


  1. Hi - no idea if this is of any interest to you but cult book The Night Climbers of Cambridge - Japanese version - is free today and tomorrow on Kindle ケンブリッジの 真夜中の登攀者たち  UK  US - Please don't think I'm spamming - I just don't know many contacts in Japan. Thanks for your time, Jon Gifford

  2. Hey Jon. No problem at all, thanks for sharing it. I first read and fell under the spell of 'The Night Climbers of Cambridge' some years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope plenty of Japanese climbers can enjoy this excellent piece of British climbing history through your link. All the best. Tony

  3. Great and eminently steal-able quotation from Jack London there - and the pictures too are impressive. Good to see the early ice is still reliably forming on Yatsu...
